CMS Announces Resources and Flexibilities to Assist with the Public Health Emergency in Hawaii Due to Recent Wildfires
CMS announced additional resources and flexibilities available in response to the recent wildfires in the state of Hawaii. CMS is working closely with Hawaii to put these flexibilities in place to ensure those affected by these wildfires have access to the care they need – when they need it most.
On August 11, 2023, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra determined that a public health emergency exists in the state of Hawaii due to the wildfires beginning on August 8, 2023, and continuing.
CMS stands ready to assist with resources and waivers to ensure hospitals and other facilities can continue to operate and provide access to care to those impacted by the consequences of the wildfire.
More Information:
- Full news alert
- Current Emergencies
webpage - Medicare Claims During Public Health Emergencies
Post Date: 08/17/2023